Tuesday, April 13, 2004

More reviews

I only watched one other movie:

Brother Bear

Is it me, or does every traditionally animated feature Disney releases now seem like some kind of variation on the Lion King? Well, Lilo & Stitch aside. This movie has it's heart in the right place, but falls short of what it tries to achieve. The animation itself is beautiful, and the comedy is definitely there (in the form of Bob & Doug McKenzie no less...I may have spelled that wrong) but the message seems to fall flat, and is fairly obvious from the beginning. Thankfully the singing is toned down, as Phil Collins doesn't rank as one of my favorite songwriters. All in all, not a bad movie, and there's a commentrak with the Brothers, for you SCTV fans, that's pretty funny itself. If you've got kids, it may be worth the rental price, but a classic it is not.

The Producers

No, not the movie. No, not the Broderick/Lane Broadway production either. It was the travelling production however, and it was fantastic. Max, played by Lewis J. Stalden, and Leo, played by Alan Ruck (yes, the guy from Ferris Bueller and Spin City) have never been funnier. This is a must see, espcially if you're a Mel Brooks fan. So, if it plays anywhere near you, drop the bucks and check it out. Be warned, it is a bit racy, so don't take the kids.


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