Wednesday, October 13, 2004

The Blind Mans List

I've broken my glasses, and with no spare pair, been pretty helpless the past few days. Fortunately I'll have them tomorrow. I'd planned for big updates yesterday and today, but looks like you'll have to settle for the list, because the less typing, the better for me.

After School Specials (1974-1976)
After School Specials (1976-1977)

I think they speak for themselves...

Casablanca / Maltese Falcon (Set)

This is a must own set if there ever was one. Fortunately I have both already.

CSI: Crime Scene Investigation - Fourth Season

I swear, one day I'll actually watch this show.

The Day After Tomorrow

For those longing to see Jake Gyllenhall put in harms way.

Dream On: Seasons 1 & 2

The best show HBO ever created. Yes, better than the Sopranos. Believe me, it is.

EZ Math Trix: Addition & Subtraction
EZ Math Trix: Card Tricks
EZ Math Trix: Division
EZ Math Trix: Math & Number Fun
EZ Math Trix: Multiplication

Math made easy, but apparently they know nothing of English. It just struck me as completely insane.

Five Days to Midnight

Anyone catch this when it aired? I wanted too, maybe I'll rent it.

Free Enterprise

A must own...that I don't own...dammit.

Kingdom Hospital: The Entire Series

This is on my "buy it eventually" list. Anyone watch it?

North By Northwest / Dial M for Murder

Two great friggin' movies.

The Ren & Stimpy Show: The First & Second Seasons

Still no season sets of Bevis & Butthead though...but this will do.

Seven Brides For Seven Brothers (Special Edition)

Another classic that gets well deserved special treatment.

Taxi: The Complete First Season

Damn, I need more money! One of the true great TV shows. You can't beat Rev. Jim or Latka (SP?)

That's it for now, but I swear I've got a ton of stuff to talk about, so do come back.


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