Sunday, March 11, 2007

Not Dead Yet

I'm still alive and kicking...well alive at least.

Almost seven months since my last post, and one week from gloriously depressing birthday #28, today marks my official return into the blogging universe. If there still is such a thing. Sadly, I've neglected just about everything web related in the last seven months. I've occasionally checked my email, but when I have it's been so full of junk that I just delete it all. So, apologies to all those sites out there I've shunned. I'll try and make it up to you.

So, what's the first order of business? I'm thinking, get The House in order, just in case I actually do get some people stopping by. I'm gonna check the blogroll, clean up the side bar, test out some of the new Blogger features...

Coming up after that- The Gigantic Boom Studios Review Session.

Keep your eyes peeled.



Vaklam said...

Hey, welcome back! I took a break, too but I'm learning about this "internet" thing the kids are on about these days.

I'm enjoying a lot of the Boom! Studios stuff lately. Looking forward to the ongoing Cthulhu book.

Will you be at Dragon*Con '08? We haven't missed one since '99. Maybe we can meet up.

Roger Owen Green said...

Oh, I thought you fell off the planet. Glad you really ARE OK.

LGP said...

Hey guys, thanks, it feels good to actually write something again!

Brian- I might make it this year, it really depends on the job situation (still don't have one...damn knee keeps me from doing a lot)

Rog- Falling off the planet would've been a walk in the park compared to all the drama of the last seven months!

Spoon! (Yeah, I've been watching The Tick a lot...)