Monday, January 26, 2004


I did something today that I don't do often enough...I went to the theatre. It was a two hour drive in the rain, but dammit, I went! The place was the Fabulous Fox Theatre in Atlanta, Ga. and the show was Rodgers and Hammerstein's Oklahoma! Now, I've seen it before, and likely will again, but this was by far the best production I have witnessed. The sets were fabulous, the acting (as well as the singing and dancing) were just terrific, and the effects (yes, as in "special effects) were dazzling. This is one of the best plays ever written and the first to use music to advance the plot (and to my knowledg was also the first collaboration by the Dynamic Duo previously mentioned). I'm a bit worn out, so I'll just finish by saying it was one of the most enjoyable afternoons I've had in quite awhile, and money well spent. There is absolutely nothing that can compare to live theatre, especially when it's done as brilliantly as this.


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