Wednesday, March 17, 2004

A personal high

This site had eleven different visitors today. That's a new high, and I hope that everyone that was new to my little corner of the blogosphere (apparently I'm an official part of the COMICS blogosphere, as there were a few hits from a link there. I had no idea.) found something interesting enough to keep them coming back. If not, I thank you for stopping by.

Now, some of you may think eleven to be a low number. It is. But, over a week ago I was only aware of maybe five people that visited regularly. So, eleven is a far cry from five. Here's hoping the number continues to rise.

Tomorrow DC: The New Frontier #3 hits stands, and I look forward to diving into it very, very much. There's also quite a few other books I plan on getting. Unfortunately it looks like tomorrow and Thursday look to be quite busy (my sister celebrates her birthday Wednesday, my brother and I on Thursday) so it may be Friday before anything gets written.

So, anyone stumbling upon this, check back Friday and I'll try to hold your interest!


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