Monday, April 11, 2005

Where can you go from worser?

Beats me, but my car will be in the shop til tomorrow, which means I cannot work, which means I've taken another day off which will likely be spent trying to get my comp working properly. Sucks about losing the money, but I could actually use the extra time off and maybe get something constructive done. Between the pollen and my sore throat it's becoming increasingly difficult to breathe outside, so I've decided not to leave my house til Wednesday.

If you enjoyed any of the Mitch Hedberg Humour i've posted lately, I strongly urge you to track down his two comedy albums (I believe has them, I'll post links when I find em). Again, it's depressing that we lost such a young great talent, and it would be nice to have more of his material available to the public, the gone but not forgotten situation. DVD's would be most welcome, maybe Comedy Central will put something together.


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