Wednesday, February 16, 2005

Probable (Brief) Hiatus

Today has managed to be one of "those" days for me, helping my brother move I seriously bruised my left (writing) hand and as of about 5 o'clock I've officially come down with bronchitis. When it rains it pours. So, the blog is on hiatus for the rest of the week, at least until my hand quits throbbing, unless I just wind up at home sick as hell and bored to tears. Good news though, I'm going to use the time to hopefully finish off those CBG pieces (where slow typing is a benefit!) I've been slowly working on, so next week might see a slew of reviews from yours truly.

In the meantime, all those little links on my sidebar should keep you busy. The is a new Permanent Damage up today, and Shane at Near Mint Heroes has updated his "100 Greatest" list, I'm thinking posters of Fred's, Alan's and his would pretty much be the most kick-ass thing ever. But that's just me.


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